Our investment experts share insights into our house view and macro trends. Read our latest investment updates here.
Discover how short-dated UK government bonds (gilts) offer tax-efficient returns in our Gilts Portfolio Service. Our wealth planners can help you find out more.
The impact that rising interest rates has had on investment trusts – and the potential opportunities arising for investors investing in investment trusts.
Watch our latest video to learn if ongoing economic volatility can accelerate investment portfolio returns
With inflation falling and interest rates currently on hold, is now a good time to consider investments over cash savings?
After decades of zero and even minus interest rates why have Japan finally succumbed to increasing rates? Our experts in Edinburgh investigate.
Both healthcare and infrastructure stocks had a mediocre 2022 and, for the most part, a difficult 2023. However, we’re pleased to say we believe the case for investment in both remains almost entirely as strong as it was before the period of poor performance.
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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.
Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.